CMW launches e-Bala Vihar for those who do not have in-person Bala Vihar access


Hari Om!
e-Bala Vihar starts this Saturday!  Please spread the word to your friends and family – to those who do not have access to a physical Bala Vihar location.

Saturday, January 21st, 2023

⏰ 8:30 am PT / 10:30 am CT/ 11:30 am ET/  (US and Canada)

📍 Online Via Zoom REGISTER NOW

🔗 Get more information about e Bala Vihar at







Hari Om! Salutations!

As Pujya Gurudev says, children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit. In light of this, Chinmaya Mission West presents the e-Bala Vihar program.

In 2020, during the pandemic year, Chinmaya Mission West launched the e-Bala Vihar program which reached over 5,000 children and youth across North America and abroad. The program continued in 2021 with over 4,000.

When these programs were launched, we found many children and youth who, due to the accessibility of the online format, were able to benefit though they did not have access to a nearby physical Bala Vihar location or indeed had never heard of such a program.

With this in mind, with the blessings of Swami Swaroopananda ji and guided by Swami Shantananda ji, CMW is launching an e-Bala Vihar pilot program in January 2023 to cater specifically to all those families who do not have access to an in-person Bala Vihar location. The families should live at least approximately 60 miles outside of a physical Bala Vihar location. Some examples are: North Dakota, Albuquerque, Turks and Caicos etc. which can potentially be great in-person Bala Vihars in the near future.

For more information, registration, and contact details, please visit:


If you know of anyone who lives outside of a physical Bala Vihar location, who can truly benefit from this program, please fill out this referral form so that we can contact them.

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