Embark on a Journey of Self-Discovery with the Ishavasya Upanishad Study Class
Chinmaya Mission Trinidad and Tobago presents a weekly exploration of this profound sacred text.
Ishavasya Upanishad: God in and as Everything
Join us for a weekly study class delving into the profound wisdom of the Ishavasya Upanishad, a sacred scripture from the Sukla Yajurveda. This ancient text offers eighteen powerful mantras that emphasize the divine Essence within everything and encourages the quest for pure knowledge.
What You’ll Learn:
- The Core Teachings of the Ishavasya Upanishad: Explore the profound concepts of the Upanishad, including the immanence of God, the interconnectedness of all beings, and the path to spiritual liberation.
- The Importance of Renunciation: Understand the significance of renunciation in the spiritual journey and how to detach from worldly attachments and emotions.
- The Path to Moksha: Gain insights into the path to Moksha (liberation) as outlined in the Ishavasya Upanishad.
- Practical Application: Learn how to apply the wisdom of the Upanishad to your daily life.
Event Details:
- Wednesdays
- 7:00 PM AST
- Chinmaya Ashram, Couva
- Guided by: Brahmacharini Kritika
- Commentary by: Swami Chinmayananda
Contact: 484-5784 / 679-3652 | Email: chinmayamissiontnt@gmail.com
All are welcome to join!
Experience the transformative power of the Ishavasya Upanishad.