Chinmaya Mission Trinidad and Tobago

Stop all your attachments to false values. In an ever changing world, there is nothing worthwhile for us to desire or weep for. Joys and sorrows are bound to come in human life; they are just like the two sides of the same coin.
- - Swami Chinmayananda
Chinmaya Mission Trinidad & Tobago
Chinmaya Mission Trinidad and Tobago (CMTT) was inaugurated on October 2, 1997. In 1999, the Mission acquired more than 2.5 acres of land at Calcutta Road # 1 Mc Bean Village, Couva. CMTT’s membership began with only three persons and stands today at over 10,000, across Trinidad and Tobago.
The heart of the Mission is its Couva Ashram, administered under the able guidance of resident Acharya, Swami Prakashanandaji. Acharyas serve year round conducting
various classes, satsangs and discourses across the Island.
CMTT sponsors an active, year-round program of courses and discourses on sacred texts, and devotional and meditation practices that are aimed at making the teachings of Vedanta accessible to individuals of any background. Spiritual, cultural, and social service activities are also offered.
CMTT’s ashram facilities include a temple and lecture hall, Two High Schools, Seven pre-schools and Four Primary schools, the first Chinmaya Mission Vidyalaya (CVTT) outside of India, and Three residential hostels to accommodate students and guests.
CMTT’s youth wing CHYK (Chinmaya Yuva Kendra) is actively involved in all Mission activities. CHYKs organize and participate in study classes, charitable and social events, spiritual camps, jnana yajnas, and cultural programs
CMTT Activities:
—————————————————————————————————————-*** Classes in Vedanta, Vedic chanting, meditation, yoga, stress management, seminars etc.
*** Satsangs at the Ashram every Sunday morning, and various locations throughout Trinidad and Tobago
*** Yajnas (spiritual discourses) on spiritual texts, held at the ashram and in other parts of the country
*** Spiritual camps for children, youth, and adults
*** Regular Chinmaya Study Groups for adults, aimed at deepening peoples’ understanding of the scriptures and its application in daily life
*** Indian music and dance classes
*** Sanskrit classes
*** Charitable projects serving needy communities and families
*** Publications (print, audio, and video) for sale
*** Annual CM Fundraising Dinner, Tea Party and Food Fair
*** Yatras and Gita Symposiums
Vedanta Courses:
—————————————————————————————————————-*** CMTT completed its First One-Year, Residential Vedanta Course in 2009.
*** The Second Residential Vedanta Course lasted 19 months and concluded in 2015.
*** The Third Residential Vedanta Course commenced in October 2016 and concluded in October 2018.
Contact Us
Email: chinmayamissiontnt@gmail.com
Phone: 1-868-679-3652
Email: cvtt@chinmayavidyalaya.edu.tt
Phone: 1-868-636-1571